“In 2001 we founded IntoDQ to offer services and technology in the area of data quality. And we became value added reseller of the Trillium Software data quality solutions.

Our vision was to be a laser focused company that would be able to respond quickly and efficiently to the changing challenges and demands of our clients. This would be based on a combination of knowledge, best practices and a well established set of pragmatic solutions that we have in our portfolio.

A lot has happened since then in data management. Datawarehousing and business intelligence became important, data profiling solutions became popular and master data management and unique customer view projects dominated agenda’s. Data governance was awakening. Most of those initiatives had data quality as an underlying theme present. And where it didn’t it was often a mess.

We worked with many customers across all major markets in the Benelux until we were acquired by Syncsort, the owner of Trillium Software, now Precisely Inc.

After having worked for Precisely in the area of data quality and data governance with great dedication, it was time again to pursue our own direction.

So, in 2022, Intodq2 was founded. Now with a laser focus on four interrelated and complementary topics: metadata management, data governance, data quality and data centric security. Again with pragmatic solutions. And with the same vision.”

Passionate about data and quality since 2001

Edwin van der Heiden & Marco de Jong